Cryptocurrency Support

Computer Craftworks owner has been an enthusiastic (and often long winded) supporter of open source software for many years.  It should then come as no surprise that Computer Craftworks also supports the decentralized peer-to-peer cryptocurrency market.

Years ago in 2009, the proprietor here and a few like minded individuals began mining in earnest when Bitcoin, the only cryptocurrency at the time, was roughly 60 U.S. cents each.  We remember the elation when Bitcoin reached parity with the US Dollar.  We also remember the confusion as the first alternate coin (to our knowledge)  came to be, then called ixcoin.  Would this end Bitcoin’s chances?  What would the community think?

Things have certainly changed in the last 10 years.

Today, Bitcoin is still the world’s premiere cryptocurrency as measured by market capitalization, there are over 2,000 alternative cryptocurrencies circulating as of this writing, and cryptocurrency has become a proven resource for individual freedom world wide.  Cryptocurrency is here to stay.

That said, Computer Craftworks reminds you, the reader and end user, that we happily accept the following cryptocurrency in payment for goods and services:  Bitcoin (BTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Ethereum (ETH), and Litecoin (LTC).

And remember, we are happy to share any knowledge or experience we may have gained, however dubious, to anyone thinking about cryptocurrencies or entering the mining space.  Use the contact form here on the site, explain your idea, and we’ll reach out to you as soon as we get the email.


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